> KEAM 2015:How to Apply | :

KEAM 2015:How to Apply

The online application for KEAM 2015 will begin on January 10. The online application will be available on the official website of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations  http://cee.kerala.gov.in/ from January 10 to 5 pm on February 2. However, the sale of Security Cards along with Prospectus through selected Post Offices will begin on January 9, 2015. The security cards can be purchased till February 3. Last date for receipt of Online Application Printout along with supporting documents will be Frbruary 4, 2015. Online Admit Cards can be downloaded from January 23.
The prospectus for admission to professional degree courses (medical, agriculture, veterinary, fisheries engineering and architecture courses) for the year 2015 was released in Thiruvananthapuram on Wednesday. Those desirous of applying for KEAM 2015, will have the option to pay the application fee through selected Post Offices or through Demand Draft.
The Application Fee for General category is Rs.1000/ while that for SC / ST is Rs.500/-. An applicant who does not belong to SC/ST communities will be treated as ‘General’candidate for the collection of application fee. ST applicants whose annual family income is below Rs.40,000/- are exempted from payment of application fee on condition that they produce income certificate and caste certificate from the Revenue Authority. Security Cards and Prospectus will be distributed through Tribal Welfare Offices.
Applicants referred to in Clause 5.4.2 (h) of the Prospectus, who are children of Inter-Caste married couple of which one is SC/ST who will be eligible for educational and monetary benefits admissible to SC/ST as per Clause 2 (ii) of GO (MS) No.25/2005/SCSTDD dated 20.06.2005, should mention the same in the form meant for it. They should attach an inter-caste marriagecertificate from the Revenue officials along with the printout of the application form.
Those choosing 'Dubai' as Examination Centre will have to remit an additional fee ofRs.12,000/- by way of a Demand Draft (DD) drawn on a Nationalised Bank, in favour of theCommissioner for Entrance Examinations, payable at Thiruvananthapuram along with theprintout of the application. Such candidates should give a local contact number, if available,in their application in the appropriate place. If the additional fee of Rs. 12,000/- is not paidby the candidates in the form of DD along with the printout of the application, they will beallotted a centre within the country.
Security Card and Prospectus can be obtained from selected Post Offices inKerala and outside the State, on payment of the prescribed fee (Rs.1000/- or Rs.500/- asthe case may be), by cash. List of Post Offices that issue Prospectus and Security card willbe notified at www.cee-kerala.org as well as at http://cee.kerala.gov.in/main.php. Security card will not be available at the Office of the Commissionerfor Entrance Examinations. The Security card consists of a KEY NUMBER, which is inside theSecurity panel and not visible before scratching the silver panel. There is a Serial Number oneach Security card. The Key number and Serial Number are unique and are required forfilling up of payment details in the online application. 
Application fee can be paid by way of Demand Draft (DD) also, drawn on aNationalised/Scheduled Bank, in favour of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations,payable at Thiruvananthapuram. The procedure will be available at the time of online submission of applications.


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